Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day Before Surgery

I was asked to come in to the hospital at around 1:00pm, when I arrived I went to the Maxillo-Facial Ward first. Here they checked that the impressions they had previously taken fitted correctly, for me they did, however if they don't fit then they will make a small adjustment them so the surgery comes out accurately. There was a lot of waiting around to be seen but once I had my impressions checked I was given the name of the ward I would be staying in and my check-in time. I was told I would be in the Elective Surgery Ward, which is an overflow ward, and I needed to check-in at 7:00pm. I was then allowed to leave the hospital until check-in and do as I pleased.

I decided to make the most of my last day or eating solid food for what would likely be weeks. I went with my mother, to a nearby restaurant and packed my face with a slab of spare ribs, chicken breast, and chips! None of that healthy stuff thank you! I would definitely recommend doing this as it's your last meal for quite some time, and it's good to go out on a high.

When I got back to the hospital I was told that after 12:00 that evening I would not be allowed to consume any food or drink until after my surgery. Luckily I was the first patient in theatre the next morning so I wouldn't have to go too long without food.

My mum left an hour later when 'visiting hours' were over, and I just read a book until I went to bed at around 10:00pm.