
Hi there,

My name is Hamilton Jones and I recently had a lower jaw osteotomy (also known as orthognatic surgery) to correct my misaligned lower jaw bone. I had my procedure on Wednesday 13th July 2011, and decided that I would start a blog to record the progress of my recovery. This blog will give a day-by-day breakdown of how I feel and what I'm able to get up to during the recovery process.

Before my surgery my lower jaw was aligned to the left, and also sat on a too higher angle so that whilst my molar teeth were shut, my front teeth had a 5mm gap between them. I underwent the surgery to correct my bite position so that I would be able to use my front teeth whilst eating, whilst taking the pressure of my molar teeth, preventing premature tooth loss. Originally my surgeon intended to move both jaws, however after some consideration about two weeks before my surgery I was told I would only need single jaw surgery on the mandible.

I underwent the procedure at around 8:30am and it took between 40 minutes to 1 hour to complete, which I am told is common for this type of surgical procedure; obviously a double jaw osteotomy would take longer. I then spent the remainder of the day in hospital, and was allowed home around midday the following day.

This blog will include some pictures of my progress to show how the bruising and swelling develops, and I will do a 'before and after' picture when I am at the end of this process.
